Elementary News



Fletcher Wildcats

Monday Newsletter                                          August 20, 2012

AND THEY’RE OFF…!!  Wow, what a great start this school year is off to.  That directly relates to the type of students we have in this community which, in turn, reflects the terrific parental support they receive at home!  Thank you for being involved and supportive while we have your child for half of each and every day!  What a tremendous responsibility we share in the goal to have each student achieve to his or her potential.  Continue to ask your child about what they did in school each day and don’t settle for the “awe, nothing” answer.  Press them to communicate with you and share their experiences from the day.  When they tell you about their day they are actually reinforcing their own knowledge base.  We have a wonderful teaching staff and, mixed with a great group of parents, equals a solid, values-based community in which we can all take pride.  Once again, thank you for your support.


Mr. Gilbreath

Announcements and dates to remember:

August 27 (Monday)—the annual “School Mall” project kicks off.  There is no product to sale; we simply ask each student to complete post-cards to send to family and friends.  In turn, our school receives $2.25 for each completed book.

August 28-29 (Tues-Wed)—Annual Vision Screening

August 30 (Thursday)—Pioneer Days

August 31 (Friday)—Parade 1:00 pm

*School will be dismissed and buses will run after parade

August 30-September 1 (Thur-Sat)—Fletcher Fair

September 3 (Monday) – Labor Day (No School)

School supply lists for 2012-2013 are available at each grade site link.



















Fletcher Public Schools
108 Hornaday St.
Fletcher, OK 73541
(580) 549-6015